Sometimes, client initialization can be a problem due to the time needed for the server to generate the first batches.
The idea is to reduce this time for initialization of new clients.
Wihtout snapshot, we could have some troubles due to the heavy work from the server side, when initializing a new client:
A new Client launches a synchronization. Its local database is empty and should be synced with all rows from all tables part of the sync configuration.
Server orchestrator gets the request, initializes the medata stores, sends back the schema if needed, and then launches the sync process internally.
Server prepares batches files, based on all tables involved in the sync (using
stored procedures).Server streams back the files to the client orchestrator.
Client orchestrator applies the rows to the local database using the client provider.
In a TCP mode, it will work since the client will wait until a response from the server. But in an HTTP mode you can eventually have a timeout exception raised…
In HTTP mode, you can increase the timeout duration , but it’s not ideal…
The snapshot feature comes in here to resolve this issue.
The idea is quite simple : Creating a snapshot of the server database on time TS, available for all new clients.
A common scenario would be:
Create a snapshot every 2 weeks on the server side, to get the most relevant and up to date data.
Every new client will download and apply this snapshot on initialization.
This new client will then synchronize all new datas in between the snapshot (so TS) and T.
Here is the steps to create a server snapshot and the configuration from both server and client side:
Server side¶
Create a new method, that will generate a snapshot at a current time T with all rows / tables, available for all new clients:
Creates a new project, a console application for example, to create a snapshot.
var serverProvider = new SqlSyncProvider("Data Source= ...");
// new setup with all tables involved
var setup = new SyncSetup(allTables);
// snapshot directory
var snapshotDirectoryName = "snapshots";
var snapshotDirctory = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, snapshotDirctoryName);
var options = new SyncOptions
SnapshotsDirectory = snapshotDirctory,
BatchSize = 3000
// Create a remote orchestrator
var remoteOrchestrator = new RemoteOrchestrator(serverProvider, options);
// Create a snapshot
await remoteOrchestrator.CreateSnapshotAsync(setup);
Once created, the folder looks like this:
Some *.batch files containing all the rows, for all the sync tables.
A summary.json contains all the mandatory information regarding this snapshot
"dirname": "ALL",
"dir": "C:\\Users\\spertus.EUROPE\\Snapshots",
"ts": 2001,
"parts": [
"file": "000_fnwkoou5_tdj.batch",
"index": 0,
"last": false,
"tables": [
"n": "ProductCategory"
"n": "ProductModel"
"n": "Product"
"file": "001_02zy0swq_nce.batch",
"index": 1,
"last": true,
"tables": [
"n": "Product"
"n": "Address"
"n": "Customer"
"n": "CustomerAddress"
"n": "SalesOrderHeader"
"n": "SalesOrderDetail"
We have here, the server timestamp
when the snapshot was generated, all the files, ordered, with table contained in each file.
Filtered clients¶
For filtered client, the snapshot will be a little bit different, since it will not contains all the data. More, each filtered client will have its own snapshot, based on its filter parameters values !
To generate a filtered snapshot, just add the SyncParameters
values to the new SyncContext
instance argument:
// Setup with a filter on CustomerId, on table Customer
var setup = new SyncSetup(allTables);
setup.Filters.Add("Customer", "CustomerId");
// Create a filtered snapshot
SyncParameters parameters = new()
new("CustomerId", "1001"),
await Server.RemoteOrchestrator.CreateSnapshotAsync(setup, parameters);
Activate the snapshot option for all new clients¶
To activate this snapshot, the server should know where each snapshot is located.
The SyncOptions has a new property called SnapshotsDirectory:
// Options used for client and server when used in a direct TCP mode:
var options = new SyncOptions {
SnapshotsDirectory = Path.Combine(
HTTP mode with ASP.Net Core Web API¶
The ASP.NET Core
web api looks like this, now:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddSession(options => options.IdleTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30));
// Get a connection string for your server data source
var connectionString = Configuration.GetSection("ConnectionStrings")["DefaultConnection"];
// Set the web server Options
var options = new SyncOptions()
SnapshotsDirectory = Path.Combine(
// Create the setup used for your sync process
var tables = new string[] {"ProductCategory",
"ProductDescription", "ProductModel",
"Product", "ProductModelProductDescription",
"Address", "Customer", "CustomerAddress",
"SalesOrderHeader", "SalesOrderDetail" };
var setup = new SyncSetup(tables);
// add a SqlSyncProvider acting as the server hub
services.AddSyncServer<SqlSyncProvider>(connectionString, setup, options);
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
if (env.IsDevelopment())
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
Client side¶
On the client side, you don’t have anything to do, just a normal new sync processus:
var s = await agent.SynchronizeAsync(progress);
Here is an output of new client coming with a new client database :
BeginSession 14:00:22.651
ScopeLoading 14:00:22.790 Id:b3d33500-ee06-427a-bccc-7518a9dfec93 LastSync: LastSyncDuration:0
TableSchemaApplied 14:00:26.95 TableName: ProductCategory Provision:All
TableSchemaApplied 14:00:26.234 TableName: ProductModel Provision:All
TableSchemaApplied 14:00:26.415 TableName: Product Provision:All
TableSchemaApplied 14:00:26.466 TableName: Address Provision:All
TableSchemaApplied 14:00:26.578 TableName: Customer Provision:All
TableSchemaApplied 14:00:26.629 TableName: CustomerAddress Provision:All
TableSchemaApplied 14:00:26.777 TableName: SalesOrderHeader Provision:All
TableSchemaApplied 14:00:26.830 TableName: SalesOrderDetail Provision:All
SchemaApplied 14:00:26.831 Tables count:8 Provision:All
TableChangesApplied 14:00:28.101 ProductCategory State:Modified Applied:41 Failed:0
TableChangesApplied 14:00:28.252 ProductModel State:Modified Applied:128 Failed:0
TableChangesApplied 14:00:28.449 Product State:Modified Applied:201 Failed:0
TableChangesApplied 14:00:28.535 Product State:Modified Applied:295 Failed:0
TableChangesApplied 14:00:28.686 Address State:Modified Applied:450 Failed:0
TableChangesApplied 14:00:28.874 Customer State:Modified Applied:847 Failed:0
TableChangesApplied 14:00:29.28 CustomerAddress State:Modified Applied:417 Failed:0
TableChangesApplied 14:00:29.165 SalesOrderHeader State:Modified Applied:32 Failed:0
TableChangesApplied 14:00:29.383 SalesOrderDetail State:Modified Applied:542 Failed:0
DatabaseChangesApplied 14:00:29.385 Changes applied on database Client: Applied: 2752 Failed: 0
ScopeSaved 14:00:29.455 Id:b3d33500-ee06-427a-bccc-7518a9dfec93 LastSync:04/02/2020 13:00:29 LastSyncDuration:68091840
EndSession 14:00:29.457
BeginSession 14:00:29.460
ScopeLoading 14:00:29.466 Id:b3d33500-ee06-427a-bccc-7518a9dfec93 LastSync:04/02/2020 13:00:29 LastSyncDuration:68091840
TableChangesSelected 14:00:29.481 ProductCategory Upserts:0 Deletes:0 TotalChanges:0
TableChangesSelected 14:00:29.491 ProductModel Upserts:0 Deletes:0 TotalChanges:0
TableChangesSelected 14:00:29.504 Product Upserts:0 Deletes:0 TotalChanges:0
TableChangesSelected 14:00:29.514 Address Upserts:0 Deletes:0 TotalChanges:0
TableChangesSelected 14:00:29.524 Customer Upserts:0 Deletes:0 TotalChanges:0
TableChangesSelected 14:00:29.535 CustomerAddress Upserts:0 Deletes:0 TotalChanges:0
TableChangesSelected 14:00:29.544 SalesOrderHeader Upserts:0 Deletes:0 TotalChanges:0
TableChangesSelected 14:00:29.553 SalesOrderDetail Upserts:0 Deletes:0 TotalChanges:0
TableChangesApplied 14:00:29.722 ProductCategory State:Modified Applied:1 Failed:0
DatabaseChangesApplied 14:00:29.732 Changes applied on database Client: Applied: 1 Failed: 0
ScopeSaved 14:00:29.772 Id:b3d33500-ee06-427a-bccc-7518a9dfec93 LastSync:04/02/2020 13:00:29 LastSyncDuration:71205855
EndSession 14:00:29.773
Synchronization done.
Total changes downloaded: 2753
Total changes uploaded: 0
Total conflicts: 0
Total duration :0:0:7.120
As you can see, we have basically 2 Sync in a row.
First one get the schema, and apply all the batches from the snapshot
Second one get all the rows added / deleted / modified from the snapshot
and the last serverTimeStamp
(in our sample just oneProductCategory