

An Orchestrator is agnostic to the underlying database.
it communicates with the database through a provider. A provider is always required when you’re creating a new orchestrator.

We have two kind of orchestrators:

  • The Local Orchestrator (or let’s say client side orchestrator) : LocalOrchestrator.

  • The Remote Orchestrator (or let’s say server side orchestrator) : RemoteOrchestrator.

We have other orchestrators, that will handle, under the hood, the web sync process:

  • The WebRemoteOrchestrator: This orchestrator will run locally, and will act “as” an orchestrator from the sync agent, but under the hood will generate an http request with a payload containing all the required information, and will send it to the server side.

  • The WebServerAgent: On the opposite side, this agent is hosted with an ASP.NET WebApi an is exposed by a web api, and will get the incoming request from the WebRemoteOrchestrator and will then call the underline RemoteOrchestrator correctly.

A set of methods are accessible from both LocalOrchestrator or RemoteOrchestrator (and for some of them from WebRemoteOrchestrator).

  • Database builder methods: Create tables, metadatas, tracking tables …

  • Sync changes methods: (Get changes, get estimated changes count …)

  • Tracking Tables

  • Tables

  • Schemas

  • Scopes

Builder Methods

You need a ScopeInfo instance to be able to create any metadatas (stored proc, tables, triggers or tracking tables) in your data source.

This method runs on any Orchestrator, but we are using here a RemoteOrchestrator because the client database is empty and getting a table schema from an empty database… well.. :)

var provider = new SqlSyncProvider(serverConnectionString);
var options = new SyncOptions();
var setup = new SyncSetup("ProductCategory", "ProductModel", "Product");
var orchestrator = new RemoteOrchestrator(provider, options);

var serverSchema = await orchestrator.GetSchemaAsync(setup);

foreach (var column in serverSchema.Tables["Product"].Columns)
ProductID - Int32
Name - String
ProductNumber - String
Color - String
StandardCost - Decimal
ListPrice - Decimal
Size - String
Weight - Decimal
ProductCategoryID - Int32
ProductModelID - Int32
SellStartDate - DateTime
SellEndDate - DateTime
DiscontinuedDate - DateTime
ThumbNailPhoto - Byte[]
ThumbnailPhotoFileName - String
rowguid - Guid
ModifiedDate - DateTime

Managing stored procedures

Managing Stored Procedures could be done using:

  • LocalOrchestrator.CreateStoredProcedureAsync() : Create a stored procedure using the DbStoredProcedureType enumeration, for one SetupTable argument.

  • LocalOrchestrator.ExistStoredProcedureAsync(): Check if a stored procedure already exists, using the DbStoredProcedureType enumeration, for one SetupTable argument.

  • LocalOrchestrator.DropStoredProcedureAsync() : Drop a stored procedure using the DbStoredProcedureType enumeration, for one SetupTable argument.

  • LocalOrchestrator.CreateStoredProceduresAsync() : Create all stored procedures needed for one SetupTable argument.

  • LocalOrchestrator.DropStoredProceduresAsync() : Drop all stored procedures created for one SetupTable argument.

Creating a stored procedure could be done like this:

var provider = new SqlSyncProvider(serverConnectionString);
var remoteOrchestrator = new RemoteOrchestrator(provider, options);
var scopeInfo = await remoteOrchestrator.GetScopeInfoAsync(setup);

var spExists = await orchestrator.ExistStoredProcedureAsync(scopeInfo, "Product", null,
if (!spExists)
    await orchestrator.CreateStoredProcedureAsync(scopeInfo, "Product", null,

Be careful, this stored procedure relies on a tracking table for table Product, but we did not create it, yet.

Creating a tracking table

Continuing on the last sample, we can create in the same way, the tracking table for table Product:

var provider = new SqlSyncProvider(serverConnectionString);
var remoteOrchestrator = new RemoteOrchestrator(provider, options);
var scopeInfo = await remoteOrchestrator.GetScopeInfoAsync(setup);

var spExists = await remoteOrchestrator.ExistTrackingTableAsync(scopeInfo, "Employee");
if (!spExists)
    await remoteOrchestrator.CreateTrackingTableAsync(scopeInfo, "Employee");

Droping a tracking table and a stored procedure

Now we can drop this newly created stored procedure and tracking table:

var provider = new SqlSyncProvider(serverConnectionString);
var remoteOrchestrator = new RemoteOrchestrator(provider, options);
var scopeInfo = await remoteOrchestrator.GetScopeInfoAsync(setup);

var trExists = await orchestrator.ExistTrackingTableAsync(scopeInfo, "Employee");
if (trExists)
    await orchestrator.DropTrackingTableAsync(scopeInfo, "Employee");

var spExists = await orchestrator.ExistStoredProcedureAsync(scopeInfo, "Employee", null,
if (spExists)
    await orchestrator.DropStoredProcedureAsync(scopeInfo, "Employee", null,


The local orchestrator runs only on the client side. You have access to several useful methods to get the changes to send on the next sync, or even an estimation of these changes.


Get the changes from local datasource, to be sent to the server.

You need to provide a ScopeInfoClient instance to be able to get the changes.
Returns an instance of ClientSyncChanges containing a reference to the changes serialized on disk.
var localOrchestrator = new LocalOrchestrator(clientProvider);
var cScopeInfoClient = await localOrchestrator.GetScopeInfoClientAsync(scopeName, parameters);
var changes = await localOrchestrator.GetChangesAsync(cScopeInfoClient);

If you need to load all changes in memory, you can use LoadTableFromBatchInfoAsync method:


Get the estimated changes count from local datasource, to be sent to the server.

You need to provide a ScopeInfoClient instance to be able to get the changes.
Returns an instance of ClientSyncChanges containing a reference to the changes serialized on disk.
The propery ClientChangesSelected (of type DatabaseChangesSelected) from the returned ClientSyncChanges value, contains the estimated changes count.


No changes are downloaded, so far the ClientBatchInfo property is always null.

var localOrchestrator = new LocalOrchestrator(clientProvider);
var cScopeInfoClient = await localOrchestrator.GetScopeInfoClientAsync(scopeName, parameters);
var estimatedChanges = await localOrchestrator.GetEstimatedChangesCountAsync(cScopeInfoClient);


foreach (var table in changes.ClientChangesSelected.TableChangesSelected)
    Console.WriteLine($"Table: {table.TableName} - Total changes:{table.TotalChanges}");


Load a table from a batch info. This method is used to load all rows contains in a BatchInfo instance in memory.

You can specify a SyncRowState parameter to get rows with a specific state.

var localOrchestrator = new LocalOrchestrator(clientProvider);
// Loading all rows for table SalesLT.SalesOrderDetail, with a state fo Deleted:
var sodTable = await localOrchestrator.LoadTableFromBatchInfoAsync(
            scopeName, batchInfo, "SalesOrderDetail", "SalesLT", SyncRowState.Deleted);

foreach (var orderDetail in sodTable.Rows)


Load all batch infos for a given scope name. The batch infos are loaded from the tmp directory set from SyncOptions.BatchDirectory.

var localOrchestrator = new LocalOrchestrator(clientProvider);
var batchInfos = await localOrchestrator.LoadBatchInfosAsync();

foreach (var batchInfo in batchInfos)


Load all tables from a batch info. This method is used to load all tables contains in a BatchInfo instance in memory.

Each file contained in the BatchInfo instance is loaded in memory, and returned as a SyncTable instance.


this method returns an IAsyncEnumerable<SyncTable>. You need to iterate on it using the async keyword to get all tables.

var localOrchestrator = new LocalOrchestrator(clientProvider);
var batchInfos = await localOrchestrator.LoadBatchInfosAsync();

foreach (var batchInfo in batchInfos)
    var allTables = localOrchestrator.LoadTablesFromBatchInfoAsync(batchInfo);

    // Enumerate all rows from each table
    await foreach (var table in allTables)
        foreach (var row in table.Rows)


Save a batch info to a batch part files.



Get the schema from the local datasource.

Be careful:

  • GetScopeInfo() returns a ScopeInfo object, which contains the schema of the local database, saved in the scope_info table.

  • GetSchema() returns a SyncSet object, which contains the schema of the local database, read on the fly.

Internally DMS is using GetSchema whenever it’s needed, and eventually saved the schema in the scope_info table.

Using GetSchema() will not save the schema anywhere.

var localOrchestrator = new LocalOrchestrator(clientProvider);
var setup = new SyncSetup("ProductCategory", "Product");
var schema = await localOrchestrator.GetSchemaAsync(setup);


Provision the local datasource with the tracking tables, stored procedures, triggers and even tables needed for the sync process.

You need a ScopeInfo instance to be able to provision the local database.
If you do not specify the provision argument, a default value SyncProvision.Table | SyncProvision.StoredProcedures | SyncProvision.Triggers | SyncProvision.TrackingTable is used.

Usually, the ScopeInfo instance is retrieved from your server database, using a RemoteOrchestrator or a WebRemoteOrchestrator instance.

var remoteOrchestrator = new RemoteOrchestrator(serverProvider);
var sScopeInfo = await remoteOrchestrator.GetScopeInfoAsync();
var cScopeInfo = await localOrchestrator.ProvisionAsync(sScopeInfo);
If you have already done a first sync (or a first provision) of your client database, you can use the GetScopeInfoAsync method to get the ScopeInfo instance from your client database instead of your server database.
Provision an already provisioned local database can be useful if you want to overwrite / recreate everything.


Be careful, the client database may not contains a ScopeInfo instance if you have not done a first sync.

var localOrchestrator = new LocalOrchestrator(clientProvider);
var cScopeInfo = await localOrchestrator.GetScopeInfoAsync();
if (cScopeInfo != null)
    cScopeInfo = await localOrchestrator.ProvisionAsync(cScopeInfo, overwrite:true);

More …

Check the Provision & Deprovision section for more details about the provision process.


Deprovision the local datasource. This will drop tracking tables, stored procedures or triggers created by the sync process.


By default, DMS will never deprovision a table, if not explicitly set with the provision argument.

Same behavior applies to the scope_info and scope_info_client tables.

var localOrchestrator = new LocalOrchestrator(clientProvider);
await localOrchestrator.DeprovisionAsync(SyncProvision.StoredProcedures | SyncProvision.Triggers);

If you do not have any scope info locally (the scope_info table does not exists anymore, or is empty), you still can try to deprovision your local database using a simple SyncSetup instance:

var localOrchestrator = new LocalOrchestrator(clientProvider);
var setup = new SyncSetup("ProductCategory", "Product");
await localOrchestrator.DeprovisionAsync(setup,
            SyncProvision.StoredProcedures | SyncProvision.Triggers);

More …

Check the Provision & Deprovision section for more details about the provision process.


Drop all DMS metadatas from your local database, except tables. Everythin is dropped: tracking tables, stored procedures, triggers, scope info tables, etc.

var localOrchestrator = new LocalOrchestrator(clientProvider);
await localOrchestrator.DropAllAsync();


Delete all DMS metadatas from the tracking tables, in your local database.
This operation is automatically managed by DMS on the client side. You should not have to use it manually, except on specific scenario.
var localOrchestrator = new LocalOrchestrator(clientProvider);
await localOrchestrator.DeleteMetadatasAsync();

More …

Check the Metadatas section for more details about the metadatas deletion process.


Delete all rows from a table and the corresponding tracking table.

This method is used internall

var localOrchestrator = new LocalOrchestrator(clientProvider);
var scopeInfo = await localOrchestrator.GetScopeInfoAsync();
await localOrchestrator.ResetTableAsync(scopeInfo, "ProductCategory");


Be careful, this method will delete all rows from your table !!

EnableConstraintsAsync & DisableConstraintsAsync

Enable or Disable all constraints on your local database.

Useful if you want to apply rows without having to check any constraints.

This method is used internally by DMS when you are using the SyncOptions.DisableConstraintsOnApplyChanges option.

var localOrchestrator = new LocalOrchestrator(clientProvider);

using var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(clientProvider.ConnectionString);

using var sqlTransaction = sqlConnection.BeginTransaction();

var scopeInfo = await localOrchestrator.GetScopeInfoAsync(sqlConnection, sqlTransaction);
await localOrchestrator.DisableConstraintsAsync(scopeInfo, "ProductCategory", default,
    sqlConnection, sqlTransaction);

// .. Do some random insert in the ProductCategory table
await DoSomeRandomInsertInProductCategoryTableAsync(sqlConnection, sqlTransaction);

await localOrchestrator.EnableConstraintsAsync(scopeInfo, "ProductCategory", default,
    sqlConnection, sqlTransaction);



Get the local timestamp from the local database.

var localOrchestrator = new LocalOrchestrator(clientProvider);
var ts = await localOrchestrator.GetLocalTimestampAsync();


The remote orchestrator runs only on the server side. You have access to several useful methods to get the changes to send on the next sync, or even an estimation of these changes.

TCP mode

If you have a TCP connection between your server and your client, you can use the RemoteOrchestrator class within your SyncAgent instance.

var localOrchestrator = new LocalOrchestrator(clientProvider);
var remoteOrchestrator = new RemoteOrchestrator(serverProvider);

var agent = new SyncAgent(localOrchestrator, remoteOrchestrator);

That basically means your client application has a direct access to the server database, through a connection string.

HTTP mode

In the other hand, if you are using the HTTP mode, you must use another remote orchestrator, that can send http requests. This orchestrator is the WebRemoteOrchestrator class.

var localOrchestrator = new LocalOrchestrator(clientProvider);
var remoteOrchestrator = new WebRemoteOrchestrator(serverProvider, "http://localhost:5000");

var agent = new SyncAgent(localOrchestrator, remoteOrchestrator);


More on how to handle a basic http scenario can be found in the ASP.NET Web Proxy section.


Get the changes from local datasource, to be sent to a particular client.

You need to provide a ScopeInfoClient instance to be able to get the changes.
Returns an instance of ServerSyncChanges containing a reference to the changes serialized on disk.
var localOrchestrator = new LocalOrchestrator(clientProvider);
var remoteOrchestrator = new RemoteOrchestrator(remoteProvider);
var cScopeInfoClient = await localOrchestrator.GetScopeInfoClientAsync(scopeName, parameters);

var changes = await remoteOrchestrator.GetChangesAsync(cScopeInfoClient);
If you are not trying to retrieve the changes from a client perspective, but more from a server perspective, you can get a ScopeInfoClient instance from the server side as well.
As server is maitaining a reference to all clients, you need to pass the clientId reference to get the correct ScopeInfoClient instance.
var localOrchestrator = new LocalOrchestrator(clientProvider);
var remoteOrchestrator = new RemoteOrchestrator(remoteProvider);

// You can load a client scope info from the server database also, if you know the clientId
var cScopeInfoClient = await remoteOrchestrator.GetScopeInfoClientAsync(
   clientId, scopeName, parameters);

var changes = await remoteOrchestrator.GetChangesAsync(cScopeInfoClient);

If you need to load all changes in memory, you can use LoadTableFromBatchInfoAsync.


Get the estimated changes count from local datasource, to be sent to the server.

You need to provide a ScopeInfoClient instance to be able to get the changes.
Returns an instance of ServerSyncChanges containing a reference to the changes serialized on disk.
The propery ServerChangesSelected (of type DatabaseChangesSelected) from the returned ServerSyncChanges value, contains the estimated changes count.


No changes are downloaded, so far the ServerBatchInfo property is always null.

var localOrchestrator = new LocalOrchestrator(clientProvider);
var remoteOrchestrator = new RemoteOrchestrator(remoteProvider);
var cScopeInfoClient = await localOrchestrator.GetScopeInfoClientAsync(scopeName, parameters);

// You can load a client scope info from the server database also, if you know the clientId
// var cScopeInfoClient = await remoteOrchestrator.GetScopeInfoClientAsync(
    clientId, scopeName, parameters);

var estimatedChanges = await remoteOrchestrator.GetEstimatedChangesCountAsync(cScopeInfoClient);


foreach (var table in changes.ClientChangesSelected.TableChangesSelected)
    Console.WriteLine($"Table: {table.TableName} - Total changes:{table.TotalChanges}");


Load a table from a batch info. See LoadTableFromBatchInfoAsync.


Load all batch infos for a given scope name. See LoadBatchInfosAsync.


Load all tables from a batch info. See LoadTablesFromBatchInfoAsync.


Get the schema from the local datasource. See GetSchemaAsync.


Provision the server datasource with the tracking tables, stored procedures, triggers and even tables needed for the sync process.

You need a SyncSetup instance containing all the tables (and optionally the columns list) you want to sync.

var remoteOrchestrator = new RemoteOrchestrator(serverProvider);
var setup = new SyncSetup("ProductCategory", "Product");
var sScopeInfo = await remoteOrchestrator.ProvisionAsync(setup);

More …

Check the Provision & Deprovision section for more details about the provision process.


Deprovision the server datasource. This will drop tracking tables, stored procedures or triggers created by the sync process.


By default, DMS will never deprovision a table, if not explicitly set with the provision argument.

Same behavior applies to the scope_info and scope_info_client tables.

var remoteOrchestrator = new RemoteOrchestrator(serverProvider);
await localOrchestrator.DeprovisionAsync(SyncProvision.StoredProcedures | SyncProvision.Triggers);

More …

Check the Provision & Deprovision section for more details about the provision process.


Drop all DMS metadatas from your server database, except tables. Everything is dropped: tracking tables, stored procedures, triggers, scope info tables, etc.

var remoteOrchestrator = new RemoteOrchestrator(serverProvider);
await remoteOrchestrator.DropAllAsync();


Delete all DMS metadatas from the tracking tables, in your server database.


A huge difference between LocalOrchestrator and RemoteOrchestrator is that the first one is done automatically after a successfull sync, while the second one is not. You need to call this method manually.

var remoteOrchestrator = new RemoteOrchestrator(serverProvider);
await remoteOrchestrator.DeleteMetadatasAsync();

More …

Check the Metadatas section for more details about the metadatas deletion process.


Delete all rows from a table and the corresponding tracking table. See ResetTableAsync.

EnableConstraintsAsync & DisableConstraintsAsync

Enable or Disable all constraints on your local database. See EnableConstraintsAsync.


Get the local timestamp from the local database. see GetLocalTimestampAsync.